Amid the various stimuli that occur around us, there is a continuous dialogue that goes on inside each of us. We are not always aware of this internal chatter, but it is always occurring. Self-talk, or internal communication, can be directed to produce positive results, or we can let it wander aimlessly if we do not care about the direction of our lives.
As a child, I was always a bit of a trouble-maker. In middle school, my riotous laughing fits earned me more green slips (disciplinary letters sent to parents) than any other student I knew. In high school, I was kicked out of driver’s education for creating a chaotic uproar of laughter (not a proud moment for my mother, considering she worked for our local driver’s license office). Sometimes my fellow students were laughing at me, sometimes with me. It didn’t matter—we were laughing and it felt good.
You are one with the Creator of all life, and you have the same characteristics; therefore, you have the potential to bring anything you desire into your own life. Creating a wonderful life is your Divine right and responsibility. Live in your greatness! Hiding in your smallness does not serve anyone. All that is required of you is the following: